Thursday, August 18, 2011

MKRT 181's 7th Agm at Kaulalampur

Tablers and Circlers,

Change is the only thing constant in Life and everything has to undergo change.

MKRT 181 witnessed a change in its Leadership this 13th August in Hotel Renaissance in KualaLampur Malaysia

Tr Vinay Grandhi took Over as The Chairmanship from Tr Mahesh Dutia who completed a Great Year of Chairmanship

Some Highlights of the AGM

IPC Mahesh Dutia Presented his awards for the year.

S. No.
Best Attendance
Tr. Sameer Rasane
Best Attendance
Tr. Kavalpreet
Emerging Tabler
Tr. Rajeshwar
Best Floor Tabler
Tr. Gaurav Bajaj

Prospective Mr. Ram Swaroop was inducted as a Tabler of MKRT 181, by the Chief Guest cum Area Observer Tr. Prasad Vijayakumar, as per the protocol.
Tr. Ram Swaroop was also handed over the LMF plaque and jewel by Tr. Prasad.

Felicitation of Retiring Tablers:
Chairman Tr. Mahesh informed the table that Tr. Sameer Rasane, one of our Charter Tabler, is to retire this year. This would be the 2nd retirement at MKRT 181 since Charter. He requested Tr. Gaurav and Tr. Mukesh to speak a few words on Tr. Sameer.

Tr. Sameer then came forward and addressed the table for the last time as an active tabler of MKRT 181. He was then handed the retirement plaque and beer mug by the Chief Guest Tr. Prasad

Tr Vinay Grandhi after taking over as the Chairman Launched his Theme "Together in Friendship" and his plans for the year.

Have a Look at the Great fellowship and Bonding

Reported By
Hamir Sampat
Blog Convener
MKRT 181

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