Friday, May 29, 2009

Your Future Chairman

Tablers and Circlers,
Have A look at the Incoming Chairman of MKRT 181.
Look How many faces he has changed in the last four years.
Think what he might do to the tablers of MKRT 181.
What will happen next Year to MKRT 181.

Chak De.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

MKRT 181 Blog reaches 75 Posts

Thanks to the inputs of Tabler we have been able to achieve 75 posts in our blog.
Way to go 181


Hamir Sampat
Blog Convener
MKRT 181

Go- Karting Fellowship

Dear Tablers and Circlers

After a long time our Table had organised a Sport Fellowship on the
3rd May, Go-Karting, at Kart Attack, attended by 7 couples and
twinklers. We got off to a start at Karting in the evening, though it
was a little late to actually getting started as Trs. came in a
trickle. The early birds had already got of to a start. Mainly
consisting of Kaval, Mukesh, Lanky, Jaideep and, how can I forget,
Viagra. None other than Viagra of the Table, Hamir, out did everyone
in the number of rides, as expected, with his son Karan. Tw Tanveer
had a blast riding shotgun with Kaval and we got to see quite a few
moves from Kaval on the track in the Kart other than how he makes us
move on the dance floor with his choisest of tracks. Crs. Suba, Pooja,
Jaya, Vinita also took a spin around the track, special mention being
Vinita who got a lot more laps than the rest, some magic she must have
done on the track attendant. I too went for a spin and actually
enjoyied, no loved, no thrilled, my drive manily as I had no back seat
driver to bug me, ie my wife. Last but not the least Hamir ensured
that the Sampat family had the entire track to them selves in two
tandem Karts, Ham and Karan in one and Jidnyasa and Dwij in another.

It was stifling hot even late in the evening and all of us wanted to
get out and go for dinner. But that turned out even more complicated
than navigating the track at speed cause all the Fast & Furious wanted
to go to different places. Finally sense prevailed and we narrowed
down to 'Asiana' on OMR. VC Sunil had not come to the Go Karting but
did join us for the dinner, with Esha and the kids.( Mention food and
be certain that Sunil is there, Ha Ha just kidding, actually he HAD to
pick up Cr Sonu on the way). Drinks of all kinds flew around so did
the food. The only snag being that most of the food ended up being
served on Kaval's side of the table. The Twinklers werent behind in
having a blast creating a ruckus as the whole restaurant was to
ourselves. All in all everyone had their tummies full and wallets
quite empty by the time we wound up. It was a nice smooth drive back
to town through OMR.

Fellowship Convener
MKRT 181

Fellowship At Sigri on 1st May

Dear Tablers and Circlers

The summer being at its peak now, we decided to cool off and meet up
as there havent been any events in the recent past. So Chairman
decided to have dinner at Sigri on May 1st. We had 10 people including
Trs. & Crs. People had a good time trying to vasool-o-fy the money at
the buffet. Kababs Tikkas and Jalebis n Ice cream being everyones
favorite. All in all everyone had their utmost fill.
Some photos are attached.

Fellowship Convener