Friday, November 9, 2012

Madras Knights Round Table 181 Go Green with Activity Centre Kids

Tablers and Circlers,
It is said that if you want to inculcate a Habit it should be done early .
Thats what the Tablers of MKRT 181 did when they did a Go Green Activity with the children of Activity centre where they donated 50 Potted Saplings to the children and inculcate a Habit of Going Green by encouraging them to take care of the plants.
Heres a Pictorial Report on the Same.

Reported By
Hamir Sampat
Secretary and Blog Convener
MKRT 181

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fellowship at MKRT 181 Tr Balaji and Cr Yogi

Tablers and Circlers,

Yet Another Wild Wet Fellowship PARTY at MKRT 181
Fellowship Hosted BY Tr Balaji and Cr Yogeshwari

Heres a Pictorial Report

Reported By
Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181
Secretary and Blog Convener 