MKRT 181 Chairman Vinay, Community Service Convener Tablers, Circlers and Twinklers present the Report for the Beautiful work done for the Round Table India week 4th,5th,6th and 7th Day Activities
It feels so good to see the smiles on the faces for whom we have done the community services
Read on for a report by Chairman Tr Vinay Grandhi
4th Day of RTI week of MKRT 181
Today the 17th of Nov 2011 we Knights funded a one months supply of Pedia sure a food supplement for 70 children taken care by CAN STOP a cancer support wing of Sundaram Foundation. It is our privilege for us to be able to provide the first and the last meal of the day for these children for a month. May God have them live their hope…
5th day of the RTI week of MKRT 181
This 18th of Nov, which is the 5th day of the RTI week, 200 plus inmates of Sri Matha Trust blessed the families of MKRT 181 by praying for us because we sponsored their breakfast. Sri Matha trust is a registered Charitable Institution and itsobjects are to help the poor and the sick in the society belonging to all caste, creed and religion. At the request of the Cancer Institute Chennai, right from Aug 2000 this trust runs Mohandevi Hirachand Nahar Rajasthani Dharamsala in the old Cancer Institute premises at Adyar Chennai that takes care of the needy cancer patients who cannot afford treatment.
6th Day of the RTI week of MKRT 181
Today the 19th of Nov we Kights contributed did 2 services of contributing bed sheets to the needy.
We contributed 26 bed sheets for other wise challenged children with Autism at KRUPA a home supported by Aim for Seva trust in Chennai. We handed over these bed sheets at the trusts admin office. Our visit to the office was definitely an eye opener about this organisation for the kind of vast support they are extending towards children’s education, betterment and up keep through out India almost like our organisation but here they not only build schools by seeking help they also educate and they also run student homes.
We knights contributed 18 bed sheets to a War widows welfare association named “NIMMADHI” an old age home that has 16 war widows mostly from World War 2 and two-ex service men. It is really sad to see and understand the lack of support they have from the society. We 181rs have visited this place for the first time and for sure left with an said promise them that we will further do our best and give what is needed by them ASAP to our capacities. It was so nice to see these old people having such a broad smile on there faces… Again thanks to this movement Round Table that we are able to reach such needy and be one small reason for the smile on their face
7th Day of the RTI week of MKRT 181
On 20th Nov we Knights did our 7th and final day of community services coinciding with the RTI week which this year for us was from the 14th to 20th of Nov. Today we supported a Govt. home for children called ‘Annai Sathiya illam’ near Central Railway station in Chennai supported by Smile foundation. This home mainly has girl children right from 1st standard to 12th standard and some college students too. We knights contributed today as a start Rs.5000 worth stationary mainly benefiting the girl children in the higher classes. We Knights did this contribution under the new initiative which we started today which is the ‘Save a Girl Child’ in association with Suyam Charitable trust headed by Mrs.Uma Muthuraman whom we are associated for the last 7 years. Today the children at this home were celebrating children’s day as 14th Nov was a Monday this yr and hence we also distributed biscuit packets to them. it was again a blessing to see so many broad smiles today on the faces of so many children
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Reported By
Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181
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