The Twinkler Convener of MKRT 181 Tr Ram is Scoring Boundary after another with fellowships for Twinklers Back to Back
Heres another fellowship for the cricket crazy twinklers with Chennai Super King Players
Heres What Tr Ram Says
Meeting Team CSK again on Saturday, October 1st 2011
Twinklers had another encounter with team CSK this evening at the Madras Cricket Club from 4:45pm to 6:45pm. Four Twinklers had a blast and were excited beyond imagination to meet with Team CSK. Twinker Karan Sampath on his B'day mustered up courage and talked to all the members and got Birthday wishes from all of them. In fact Ashwin was disappointed that Karan did not share his B'day cake with him. Suresh Raina made Twinkler Tanvi's day for sure. I could not believe that she was in tears after meeting and talking with him. She took almost 3 to 4 minutes to breath normally. The water bottle Twinkler Tanvi is drinking water from is a gift from Suresh Raina. Please see the photos to see their excitement and share their happiness.
LMF Tr. Ram
Twinkler Convener
MKRT 181, Area 2

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Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181
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