Tuesday, July 13, 2010

MKRT 181 at EGM-COB-9th to 1th July

Tablers and Circlers,

Seven Tablers and our Beloved Ht attended the Egm and Cob at Bangalore from 9th to 11th Of July
The New President for RTI Tr Vivek Vardhan Prasad in a hard contested elections between Him,Tr Gautam Rao and Tr Rajesh Y R
After some hard hitting EGM where the theme was "Carry on Politics" then came the Party "Carry on Hafla" with the arabian theme.
We 181ers Partied Hard till the wee hours of the morning.
The Next day after The 5th Nex was the COB where the theme was "Carry On Bonding"
This is where all the 181ers turned into Bonds and attended the Cob
At the Cob Tr Kaval was called by the President Tr Vivek in his team As Area Chairman for Area 2 2010-11
Ht Sanjay Ramaswamy was inducted in his team as National Honarary Tabler for the year 2010-11

We once again partied till 5 in the morning

All in all a Great Time, Great Celebrations, Great Bonding

Have a look at the Pictures

"First among Equals"

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