Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Madras Knights Round Table 181 Community Service on Birthdays

Tablers and Circlers,

Tablers at MKRT 181 have started a new way of adding community Service to the Table's activities
Chairman Lankesh And Secy Jai have started the trend of doing small community services on the Birthdays
Small things make a Big difference

A community service of lunch hosted by secretary Tr. Jai Punjabi  to 80 kids and staff of Bharat Matha school, vyasarpadi with the esteem presence of AC Tr. Inder Singh, MKRT181 chairman Tr. Lankeswaran, VC Tr. Mitesh Shah & Cr. Ekta Punjabi along with the staff of Green Tamarind restaurant.

Date: 4.9.2015
Venue: Bharat matha school, vyasarpadi

Reported By 
Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181 Blogger

Saturday, September 5, 2015

MKRT 181 Birthday Fellowships - A new Trend to increase the Bonding we Have...

Dear Tablers and Circlers,

It All Started with the Chairmans Surprise Birthday Bash this month.. Now It has become a Trend in our Table MKRT 181 that we Surprise the Birthday Boy by reaching at his house at 00.00 Hrs and Surprising him with a Birthday Cake
The Tablers, Circlers and Twinklers all join in.

On 4th of Sept it was our Secys Jai's Birthday.. And we all decided to land up at his place at 23.59 hrs on 3rd September

Although he was a little aware as he was the culprit who started this trend in our table This year... But such a Big group reaching his place little did he suspect..
Heres a Pictorial Report of the Same...

Reported By 
Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181 Blogger

Madras Knights Round Table 181 August 2015 report

Dear Tablers and Circlers

Madras Knights Round Table 181
                      Report for August

181 as a Table as always been High On Fellowships
This year the start of the year was with biggest fellowship of the Year
Our Outstation AGM
Here is a snapshot of the events for the Last two months
Where we had 2 Inter table events
Two Community services and
11 Super Duper Fellowships

Inter table Activities
CHENNAI KIDATHON  : A marathon & Carnival Extravaganza for area 2 twinklers ,hosted by MCRT 94 on 9th August 2015 at YMCA grounds, nandanam.
A super beginning for twinklers of area 2 with impeccable planning and execution by MCRT 94
In total 16 Twinklers of MKRT 181 tagged by 12 Adults , actively took part in the event.
It was an event thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Kiddy kitchen: An area 2 Board, LC india and RTI initiative for the lil chefs to learn and  cookout their favourite pizza’s held at  tuscana pizzeria on 30th august 2015 and also to  learn the Right ways to save and spend money with a special piggy bank HR session conducted by Cr. Asha Seth of MELC 100.
In total 11 twinklers from MKRT 181 participated and had an amazing time playing and cooking under the guidance of the area 2 Twinkler Conveners Cr. Shivangi Bansal and Tr. Uday Grover

Community Services
A Joint Community service activity by MKRT181 with MCRT 162. Tr. Santosh of MCrt 162 handed over 5 computers & 2 Printers to chairman Tr. lankeswaran & the same was Donated to Suyam Trust of Siragu school, the long term project of MKRT  181.

Chairman Tr. Lankeswaran hosted lunch for 50 under privileged kids of Govt School at Kodambakkam on His Birthday, 26th August 2015 .
Fellowship@ kodaikanal lake/ Pre AGM- Boating, cycling, trekking- 1st August 2015- 46 heads.


Fellowship @ GRT nature trails/ Post AGM, Friendship day celebration & After party- 2nd August- 48 heads.
GOOFY SPOOFY Practice/MPL-  August 17/18/19/20/21 @ Cine City Hotel- 16 heads.
Informal knights- Area Agm @ ITC GRAND CHOLA on 22nd August 2015- 26 heads.
VEry very Formal KNIGHTs- AREA AGM@ ITC GRAND CHOLA on 23rd AuGUST 2015- 22 heads.
CHAIRMAN THE CHORMAN- Midnight Bday Celebration @ Tr. Lankeswarans house, 26th August 2015- 20 Heads.
Hungry Knights-  Post chairmans bday fellowship at Mathsya, egmore on 26th august 2015- 18 heads.

A Few Pictures from the Same..

Reported By 
Tr Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181
Blogger 2015-2016