Tablers and Circlers,
MKRT 181 had its 1st Community Service Project for the year 2011-2012. This was a joint initiative between MKRT 181 and LIons Club of Pettah, Sri Lanka. It was also a Part of our International Relations which are on with Lions club of Pettah for the last Four Years.
Read on for A report by Ipc Tr Mahesh,
Knights , we had our first joint International community service for the yr 2011-12 @ Chennai on the 27th Sept with Lions Club of Pettah, Colombo ( Srilanka )
We had Governor from Lions Club of Pettah , Area Convenors and Tablers from Round table Area 2 present on this momentous day. Highlights of todays meeting is given below
• 25 free Cataract surgeries to the needy done at a cost of Rs.50,000/- by Dr.Lankesh and his team @ Dr.Lankesh Eye Hospital.
• They were 15 members in which there were members of Lions Club of Pettah, Srilanka in addition we had one District Governor and one of their National board member was present amongst the 15 Lions there.
• Representing Roundtable we had
o from MKRT 181 - Secy Tr.Amith, IPC & Community service convener Tr.Mahesh Dutia, Projects convener Tr. Rajeshwar Paani, Publicity/Editor & Twinkler convener Tr.Ram Swaroop & Chairman Tr.Vinay Grandhi.
o From Area Board - AST Tr.Hari Balaji, Area Project conveners Tr.Sanjay Goyal & Tr.Suman Voora.
• A token commitment of Rs.10,181/- in cash was given to the President of Lions Club of Pettah for a future community service at Colombo by MKRT 181.
• Appreciation of the members about the relationship amongst both the organization beyond across borders from 2008.
• Speeches by the President & Projects convener of Lions Club of Pettah. Speech by the Lions District Governor. Speeches by Chairman Vinay , AST Hari Balaji and Area Project convener Tr.Sanjay Goyal. Speech by Dr.Lankesh.
• Exchange of pins, flags and mementos happened.
Post meeting, pleasantries where exchange with the delegates and the tablers who have promised to come up some good community services and fellowships which goes beyond boundaries. This certainly reasonates with the themes, for MKRT181 which is “Together in Friendship” and for Lions Club of Pettah which is “Service Beyond Boundaries”.
Thanks tablers of 181 who made it inspite of their commitments. Also Dr Lanky did a phenomenal job in getting this event organized.

Reported By
Hamir Sampat
MKRT 181