Fellowship which is one of the Pillars for Round Table India is getting stronger in 181 day by day. With the fantastic Concept of Fellowship Basket Going Great Guns Its catching the heat with regular meets between 3 couples at each other residences.
Here We See how Mukesh and Vineeta, Invited Ganesh- Jenny, Rahul & Bhawana with Kids to thier Place
Tablers and Circlers, Our Tabler Amith Mehta got married to Nidhi on the 8th Of December 2010. The Wedding Took Place at GRT Temple Bay resorts. We 181 ers stayed over Two Nights at the venue and had some amazing Fellowship, Bonding and Celebrations.
The Guys, Gals and Kids had a great time at the beach,zorbing swimming etc and in the evenings the whole table with circlers and twinklers were present for the functions.
One more group of Rajiv- Dhwani, Bravesh- Neeta & Pratik- Sonal met up at Rajiv House for Dinner and Some Snakes on the 15th of Novemeber. It was fully Gujju Style as all three Gujju couples could not agree on a better Menu
Have a Look at the Snaps As Fellowship Basket in 181 is Rocking Fantastic Intiative
The Grandhis, The Sampats & the Bajaj decide to meet up at my Place to complete the Second Leg Of the Trio Fellowship Basket on 11th Dec 2010. The Grandhis (Vinay, Shweta, Hriday and Navya ) Came home at 8.30 pm as promised The Bajajs( Gaurav- Deepa- Arnav) Promised to be there at 10.30 pm latest but he kept the Gaurav Promise and Never Landed Jid Specially made Gujju Delicacies for the Trio Basket But Vinay and me Made up for Gauravs Absence. We also Celebrated Hridays Birthday with some Cake and Desert The kds had a great time.
Last night we had our 2nd edition of the Fellowship Basket ( Kaval-sonu,Lanky-suba & Me-Jaya ). Which ever BAS-ket came up with this idea in our table ...................good job. I had my apprehension's when it was proposed but now having gone thru 2 of them baskets I am sure all of you agree it goes a long way in bonding amongst everyone on a micro level, which will eventually lead into the whole table's bonding as well. Suba was missing
What say guys wanna mingle till it tingles......let's finish this round and draw up another lot of Threesomes (aside:- Gaurav, Rahul, Mukesh dont read 3somes, as you would) for 2011.